I was born in…just kidding…let’s start from what’s up now and work our way to the beginning.
For the last 18 years, I’ve been helping small companies grow to greater levels of success while building my own businesses in a variety of different industries. I have a keen eye for processes and seeing all the angles in various situations. I’m an executive that will swing a hammer and I don’t mind getting a bit dirty by crawling under the hood, so to speak. I follow trends in order to see what is coming and position myself and my team in a way to benefit everyone.
Years ago, what Zig Ziglar said about helping others to get what they want in order to get what you want really struck me. I’ve built my career by finding value in the market and sharing it with other people.
Business is mostly about how we connect with others. Whether you’re in a B2B, B2C, or C2C venture, it’s all about how we connect.
I’ve found that creating alliances with good companies and promoting the best of them through networking is a major part of the growing social economy. I’ve teamed up with an American manufacturer, for example, that is ahead of its time and on the verge of massive growth based on the social and internet trends affecting the market right now.
For years, I used barter as a tool in my business. Until just a couple years ago, the end of 2014 to be exact, I was contracting as well as consulting with a local barter network to recruit new business owners to participate in a network where owners traded services using a managed credit system. I met thousands of people in the process. I learned a little bit about each of them and still refer people whenever I can connect a need to a solution.
An especially fun period in my career was as a General Contractor. In 2004, I partnered up with a GC and asked him to mentor me. I learned the process of building homes through the experience and in 4 years had a hand in constructing 26 projects! Little did I realize how quickly the turn in real estate in 2008 would bring it all to crushing halt. Life gave me a lesson in leverage and a chance to start over!
I caught the contracting bug while working in the family business. Since I was a kid really, I worked with my dad taking care of man-made lakes. In the Phoenix valley, there are dozens and dozens of residential lake projects ranging from small ponds to large-scale bodies of water surrounded by single family homes, apartments, condos…you name it. We handled the water chemistry and biology of the lakes to maintain as natural a habitat as possible in the foreign desert conditions that exist in the area.
In 2000, I graduated from the Russian program at Arizona State University after spending a couple of years abroad doing missionary work in Samara and Yekaterinburg Russia. I met my wife, Julie, in college and we were married in 1997 while still finishing school. We have 8 children together, 4 boys and 4 girls. They are incredible! It is unusual these day, I’ll admit, to have as many children as we do, but they are amazing and good people don’t just happen…they have to be raised by good parents and taught how to love and tolerate differences. There is no better training ground for it than in a big family.
Enough about me. If you’ve gotten this far, then maybe you are intrigued by the possibility of partnering up with me. Let’s see if we can work together to make something good into something great!