“When you get into a tight spot and everything conflicts with you, till it appears as if you couldn’t hold tight a moment longer, never surrender at that point, for that is only the place and time that the tide will change.” Some days are light and loaded up with… read more →
Years ago, I joined a trade exchange as a “pool guy”…I was working in the family business taking care of man-made lakes when a friend told me about Tradesource, a local group of business owners that trade(like barter, but better) with each other using a “trade credit” system. I joined… read more →
Healthy, Happy, and Loving it! One year fitness progress Many people have asked me “What are you doing?” in reference to the weight I’ve lost over the past year. “Eating right and exercising”, I answer. Seriously, that is actually true, but a little bit too simplistic I suppose, so here… read more →
As a Boy Scout growing up, I don’t think I fully recognized what I was learning for life. The activities and campouts were fun and earning merit badges was too, notwithstanding the hard work. That’s what life is all about…hard work. Now, as a scout leader, I realize that the… read more →
“7 And now, because of the covenant which ye have made ye shall be called the children of Christ, his sons, and his daughters; for behold, this day he hath spiritually begotten you; for ye say that your hearts are changed through faith on his name; therefore, ye are born… read more →
I’ve decided that it is time to stake claim to my little piece of the internet. This site is meant to be the center pole of the tent whose stakes are firmly planted in various corners of the web. It will be, primarily, a place to share my experiences in… read more →